SIFA Sanpra Systems Pvt. Ltd in Malad West, Mumbai, Maharashtra. Get SIFA Sanpra Systems Pvt. Ltd reviews, ratings, contact address, phone numbers, contact person and send quotes instantly to the company at


Mobile Data Terminal, Tracking Devices, RFID devices, GPRS devices, GPS devices, Custom Devices

Find out details about Sifa Sanpra Systems Pvtltd Import Export Data report along with address, HS codes, products and ports of import export business and company., the complete industry guide - Find any electronic security product by Sifa Sanpra Systems Pvt Ltd and others from the extensive 20,000 products in the database, make sales enquiries, order literature requests, download datasheets and make full use of' s marketing services. sifa sanpra systems pvt ltd | 16 followers on LinkedIn. Sifa, an Indian company, is in embedded design & development. Products include MDTs, Tracking Devices, Handheld RFID devices. With a strong technical team and client base, we are poised to grow at a faster phase. Heading: Sifa Sanpra Systems Pvt Ltd, City: Mumbai, Results: Sifa Sanpra Systems Pvt Ltd Malad West, Involvements: Manufacturers Attendance Recording Systems Barcode Readers near me with phone number, reviews and address.

Sifa sanpra systems pvt ltd

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The company has reportedly 1 charges associated and 24 documents available for download. About Us. Sifa Sanpra Systems Pvt Ltd Is located at J Patel Rd, .. 122/B Rajratna Indl Est, B J Patel Rd, Malad West,, , , Malad West, Mumbai - 400064 is India's reputed company. our vision and focus to provide customized solutions with quality and cost effective product range. SIFA SANPRA SYSTEMS PVT.LTD. is a Indian Importer / Buyer of Fuses: and deals in majorly hs code 853610, 85361010, 85361020, 85361030, 85361040 Major trading partners of SIFA SANPRA SYSTEMS PVT.LTD. are ITALY.

Sifa offers LF/HF/Active RFID Readers with GPRS for in-premises attendance for schools. Our web application maintains student's attedance details and triggers alerts to …

Director Sifa India Pvt. Ltd. 1986 – 1991 5 years. Research Associate University of Hohenheim 1982 – 1986 4 SIFA Sanpra Systems P. Ltd. B122, Rajratna Industrial Estate, BJ Patel Road, Malad (W), Mumbai.

Sifa sanpra systems pvt ltd

SIFA SANPRA SYSTEMS PVT.LTD. is a Indian Importer / Buyer of Fuses: and deals in majorly hs code 853610, 85361010, 85361020, 85361030, 85361040 Major trading partners of SIFA SANPRA SYSTEMS PVT.LTD. are ITALY. This company trade reports majorly contain , Market analysis, Price analysis , Port analysis and trading partners.

Top Products Server Room Clock . WiFi enabled syncronized clock with temperature & relative humidity measurement. Sends data Sifa Sanpra Systems Pvt Ltd. SIFA is a Private Limited Company incorported on 19th October 1989, specialized in Design & Manufacturing of Tracking Solutions, GPRS/GSM/GPS/RFID Product, Vending Controllers, Wireless Security Solutions. SIFA Sanpra Systems Private Limited B122, Rajratna Industrial Estate, BJ Patel Road, Malad(W) Mumbai 400064 INDIA Email: GPRS, GPS, LF RFID, 3.5" TFT, Long Battery Operation,Capacitive Switch, Internal GSM Antenna, Internal/External GPS Antenna, Interface for Fare Meter & Printer Application: Taxi / … Sifa Sanpra Systems P Ltd's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was last held on 30 September 2016 and as per records from Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), its balance sheet was last filed on 31 March 2016. Sifa offers LF/HF/Active RFID Readers with GPRS for in-premises attendance for schools. Our web application maintains student's attedance details and triggers alerts to … Sifa Sanpra Sytems Pvt Ltd B-122, Rajratna Industrial Estate B.J. Patel Road, Malad (W) Mumbai, India – 400 064 Email : Student Tracker is a vehicle tracking system designed for School Bus Tracking which helps parents and School Management. This system consists of GPS device with Display, External RFID reader.

Sifa sanpra systems pvt ltd

This company trade reports majorly contain , Market analysis, Price analysis , Port analysis and trading partners. SIFA SANPRA SYSTEMS PVT.LTD., Experts in Manufacturing and Exporting RFID Solutions, GPRS RFID and 6 more Products. A Supplier on Sifa Sanpra Systems Pvt Ltd Is located at J Patel Rd, .. 122/B Rajratna Indl Est, B J Patel Rd, Malad West,, , , Malad West, Mumbai - 400064 is India's reputed company. our vision and focus to provide customized solutions with quality and cost effective product range. Ask question about SIFA SANPRA SYSTEMS PVT LTD get answers.
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Sifa sanpra systems pvt ltd

Sifa Sanpra Sytems Pvt Ltd B-122, Rajratna Industrial Estate B.J. Patel Road, Malad (W) Mumbai, India – 400 064 Email : Student Tracker is a vehicle tracking system designed for School Bus Tracking which helps parents and School Management.

Sifa Sanpra Systems P Ltd's last Annual General Meeting(AGM) was held on SanPra is a Medical Technology and Services Organization, providing quality medical transcription service solutions to different clients nationwide. We maintain very high standards in providing patient information management services utilizing state-of-art infrastructure, dictation technology well qualified and experienced transcriptionist.
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sifa sanpra systems The company is engaged in OEM design and supply of MDT, Vehicle Tracking devices, RFID Modules, Readers, GPRS enabled RFID, Finger Print Vending machine controllers, Electronic Safe Controllers, Molding Machine Smart Card

Get Top Management, MD , CEO , HR Manager Contact details with Email id of Sifa Sanpra Systems Pvt Ltd in Mumbai . Address , contact numbers, contact details of CIO , Chief Finance Officer CFO, HR Head, Sales Head, Purchase Head, Admin Head, Marketing Head or Manager also available. Find out details about Sifa Sanpra Systems Pvtltd Import Export Data report along with address, HS codes, products and ports of import export business and company.