Just as the impact factor of a journal is one measure of the journal’s standing, prestige, or impact, the h-index is a measure of a scientist’s impact. This article explains h-index in detail.


30 jan. 2018 — of chars in string */ const symbol * s; /* search string */ int substring_i;/* index to longest matching substring */ int result; /* result of the lookup 

This article explains h-index in detail. HLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,row_index_num,range_lookup) lookup_value: value to look for -- can be a value, or a cell reference. table_array: lookup table -- range reference or a range name, with 2 or more columns. row_index_num: row in the lookup table, with value to be returned The Microsoft Excel HLOOKUP function performs a horizontal lookup by searching for a value in the top row of the table and returning the value in the same column based on the index_number. The HLOOKUP function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as a Lookup/Reference Function. It can be used as a worksheet function (WS) in Excel. Knowing the difference between LOOKUP vs VLOOKUP Functions in Excel enables users to take full advantage of the benefits of using each function.

H index lookup

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The number of citations to articles and books provides a measurable indicator of research impact, suggesting how much  20 Oct 2018 To determine a researcher's h-index, you must first look up the number of citations for each of his or her publications. Once this information has  4 Nov 2020 H-index can be found from databases like Web of Science and Scopus or publications with impact factor are included in the search results. 17 Dec 2020 The most effective search is by author. First, change the default search setting from “Topic” to “Author.” Enter the last name, a space, and the first  22 Jan 2021 4- Try combining the cited reference search data from 2 or more databases.

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‘table_array’ is the range reference or range name of an array of values, inside which in which the data is to be looked up. ‘row_index_num’ is the row number in the ‘table_array’, from which the matching value is to be 2019-07-21 2018-11-06 2013-09-07 Range_lookup controls whether value needs to match exactly or not. The default is TRUE = allow non-exact match.

H index lookup

Import your own list of experts and check if they are qualified to evaluate your grants. Filter and refine results with your precise search needs including country, market, and h -Index, and institutional affiliation. Identify experts’ prior awards history. View an in-depth profile of Expert Lookup features.

Select “Life Sciences Biomedicine” in the Research Domain tab. But even if you do not have access via your institution, you can use the free author look-up to query your h-index. Even though Scopus needs to crunch millions of citations to find the h-index, the look-up is pretty fast because Scopus has already prepared individual pages for most researchers, where you will find details about the publication records including the h-index .

H index lookup

table_array: lookup table -- range reference or a range name, with 2 or more columns. row_index_num: row in the lookup table, with value to be returned The Microsoft Excel HLOOKUP function performs a horizontal lookup by searching for a value in the top row of the table and returning the value in the same column based on the index_number. The HLOOKUP function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as a Lookup/Reference Function. It can be used as a worksheet function (WS) in Excel.
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H index lookup

H · o  @ingroup MAT * matio lookup type */ enum { MAT_BY_NAME = 1, /**< Lookup by name */ MAT_BY_INDEX = 2 /**< Lookup by index */ }; /** @brief Complex  26 #include "mlt_properties.h". 27 #include "mlt_types.h". 28 86 extern int mlt_service_disconnect_producer( mlt_service self, int index );. 87 extern int  o.fn=o.prototype={init:function(E,H){E=E||document;if(E.nodeType){this[0]=E this},each:function(F,E){return o.each(this,F,E)},index:function(E){return o. nodeName)||/text|hidden|password|search/i.test(this.type))}).map(function(E,F){​var  13.4.2.

The number of citations for each paper must be equal to or greater than its rank in order to be counted. Thus, if your first paper has at least 1 citation, your h index is at least one. h-index är ett mått för citeringsanalys, som beskriver både produktivitet och räckvidd i publicering för en forskare eller akademiker. Kortfattat innebär ett h-index på 10 att en person är medförfattare till minst 10 artiklar där varje artikel blivit citerad minst 10 gånger, totalt minst 100 citeringar, vilket kan vara fallet för en docent eller nybliven professor.
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It is calculated by dividing a scientist’s h-index by the number of years that have passed since the first publication, with a score of 1 being very good indeed, 2 being outstanding and 3 truly exceptional. This means that if you have published at least one well-cited document each year since your first publication – a decent textual output by any

If not, a spot check of some of the papers below the h-index cut-off would offer additional reassurance that there are not missing citations that could further alter the h-index. 3. Once you have downloaded the application, you can use Publish or Perish to find h-Index by entering a simple author search.