The Patrologia Latina Database has been based exclusively on the copies of the first edition of the texts and indices. All original texts are searchable in full.
Capa - Patrologia Latina, volume 5 - Paris, 1844 A Patrologia Latina é uma enorme coleção de escritos dos Padres da Igreja e outros escritores eclesiásticos publicada por Jacques-Paul Migne entre 1844 e 1855 e os índices publicados entre 1862 e 1865.
tomus 1 (1844) - tomus 221 (1864), reprinted in the 1880s. It is possible to either navigate through authors and works to a text, or to jump directly to a volume and column by means of the box below. There are OCR mistakes. Patrologia Latina by St. Fathers of the West, notable Christian writers. Publisher J.P. Migne Collection opensource Language Latin. Patrologiae cursus completus Migne's Patrologia Graeca and Latina: Home.
Det kan sökas med Patrologia Latina-databasen. av A Finlay — INDEX OF PERSONAL NAMES. INDEX OF Jón Helgason suggested that the Latin vita may have been written in order to win Patrologia Latina 83. Paris. Index, abstracts, och fulltext för många vetenskapliga publikationer som täcker alla akademiska områden. Det kan sökas med Patrologia Latina-databasen.
The Patrologia Latina Database is the full-text electronic version of the Patrologia Latina, including all prefatory material, original texts, critical apparatus, indexes, and illustrations. The Bibliotheca Hagiographica Latina (BHL) reference numbers have been included in the Patrologia Latina Database.
Paris. Index, abstracts, och fulltext för många vetenskapliga publikationer som täcker alla akademiska områden. Det kan sökas med Patrologia Latina-databasen.
La Patrologia Latina es una enorme colección de textos cristianos de la Antigüedad, de la Antigüedad tardía y de textos medievales que contiene los escritos de los Padres de la Iglesia que escribieron en latín y otros autores eclesiásticos en 217 volúmenes, publicada por Jacques-Paul Migne entre 1844 y 1855; los tomos de índices hasta un total de 221 se publicaron entre 1862 y 1865.
9 Dec 2013 The Patrologia Latina Database (PLD) online is now available to all and the four volumes of indexes published between 1862 and 1865.
54,Pt.l See index in Ft.Z Published by CHALMERS PUBLISHING COMPANY Eotercd at second clasa matter June 17, 1906, at the Pott Office at New Patrologia Latina Tomus CXXX. Det innehåller allt förberedande material och originaltekster med kritiska kommentarer till källdokumenten. Det kan sökas med Patrologia Latina-databasen.
Hör och härma röda boken
1763. ' Dictionnaire I, p. 266 o.
Index of Authors - Downloads The Complete Patrologia Graeca (in scanned images) can be found in P2P networks. Resurse, link-uri şi informaţii despre Patrologia Latina şi Patrologia Graeca, ambele editate de J. -P.
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Det innehåller allt förberedande material och originaltekster med kritiska kommentarer till källdokumenten. Det kan sökas med Patrologia Latina-databasen.
Series Latina / accurante J.-P. Migne.