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If you have a problem with finding a burial site, it is located to the left of treasure number 7. The last treasure chest can be found on the highest peak of Mahakam. To find the treasure, head to the northern part of Lyria, passing the looted church.Head up to the waterfall and dig to obtain the Strays Of Spalla card. Peasant's Map. Location: Wildapel This page lists every map and treasures in Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales. Often, the treasure must be unlocked with its proper key. 1 Act 1 2 Act 2 3 Act 3 4 Act 4 5 Act 5 Milka's Map - obtained in Miller's Bend Bandit loot map Peasant's map Malcolm's map Bogan's map Sergeant Ffran's map Map from denunciation Villager's map Lookup Assessor's Map Book.
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This map and route are for information purposes only, with no guarantee of accuracy or completeness. The transport company retains absolute discretion to
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