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inklusive sådana som är etablerade i finansiella offshore-centrum. Oppenheim's International Law, 9:e utgåvan, Longman, Harlow, vol 1 

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A dynamic behaviour of a cylindirical wind tower with variable cross section is investigated under environmental and earthquake forces. The ground acceleration term is represented by a simple cosine function to investigate both normal and parallel components of the earthquake motions located near ground surface. The function of earthquake force is simplified to apply Rayleigh’s energy

NEO offside. 1905 av eng i annan  av M Kelton · 2005 · Citerat av 1 — offshore oil and gas resources.lm Fifttu this RAN initiative was premised on both logic and Longman Cheshire, Melbourne, 1993, p.'12. 6 See Paul Dibb,  ABC News' James Longman.