Download iReb R7 For iOS 7.1.1. iReb is a tool created by iH8sn0w, designed for Windows and Mac that will put your device in a DFU Pwned jailbreakable state so that you can use a custom firmware on it. The main purpose of this tool is to allow users to bypass iTunes errors when downgrading and restoring.
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The latest release of iReb added support for all devices. Related iReb Links Cydia greenpois0n iH8sn0w Sn0wbreeze 2017-08-26 · John Gruber of Daring Fireball claims he knows that Apple has a test 7.85-inch iPad with a resolution of 1,024 by 768 in its lab. Though it's not clear if the device will ever see the light of day. "I've heard from numerous people that that's one of the ideas that they're noodling with," he said.
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The version is 3.1.2, iREB is a tool for Windows and Mac that will bypass any errors while restoring to a custom IPSW in iTunes.
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iREB is a GUI application created by iH8sn0w. It uploads 3 pwned files using iTunnel so that iTunes can accept custom IPSW firmware. For S5L8900 devices, it uploads the following: