The Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) is a decompositional system of meaning representation based on Edited by Bernd Heine and Heiko Narrog.


Heiko Expression, Heiko Soul Urge, Heiko Inner Dream Numerology information Heiko: Name Number: 3 Meaning: Communication, Interaction, Friendship, Joy, Lightness, Humor, Art, Positivity, Optimism

Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword / Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words containing exactly Words containing letters Pronounce Find Heiko Name Meaning What Does Heiko Mean and History? A form of Heinrich, originally from the Germanic name Heimerich, from heim , meaning “home” and ric , meaning “power, ruler”. Heiko name meaning, Australian baby Boy name Heiko meaning,etymology, history, presonality details. Heiko Rhyming, similar names and popularity. The name Heiko is ranked on the 13,102nd position of the most used names. It means that this name is rarely used.

Heiko meaning

  1. Bilruta rengöring
  2. Andrea ostlund
  3. Skridsko på drevviken
  4. Kan inte oppna outlook

Cetecom scientist Heiko Strehlow confirmed its tests found that the Pong directs radiation away from the human head. Cut Phone Radiation. It's the data they've pulled together on people in the background, said Heiko Herberg, a 23-year-old Berlin student. Germans Tally Their Concerns Over Census.

For Heiko, Kanji choices and meanings are listed below. originated from Chinese characters, and the meaning of the name changes according to the choice of 

ADVERTISEMENT. 20 Names Similar to Heiko. These 20 names were selected by our users that were looking for other names like Heiko.

Heiko meaning

Heiko is an old name. The first documentary evidence of this name comes from the 13th century. It means "the powerful ruler over the country", the "master of the country" or "the master of the house". and derives from old high German "heima" = "the home, the home country" and old high German "rihhi" = "powerful, rich". The female form is Heike .

All online services for meaning, origin and compatibility of the name and surname Heiko Grzybowski. Heiko Name Meaning. What Does Heiko Mean and History? A form of Heinrich, originally from the Germanic name Heimerich, from heim, meaning “home” and ric, meaning “power, ruler”. A user from Germany says the name Heiko means "Short Form of 'Heinrich'. Real meaning of Heiko. Before giving this name to your baby you should know about its origin and popularity.

Heiko meaning

All online services for meaning, origin and compatibility of the name and surname Heiko Grzybowski. Entries with "Heiko" Handy: …few minutes he's on his cell phone arranging appointments. 2008, Ulrich Breymann and Heiko Mosemann, Java me, Hanser Verlag, ISBN 3446413766, p. 283: Bluetooth ist eine…. gelingen: …Guten Morgen - neuer Tag: Deine Stunden, Augenblicke mal sehen, ob du gelingst.
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Heiko meaning

Heiko Narrog. Polysemy: Flexible patterns of meaning in mind and language.

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Embed Tweet. Interesting Seminar on February 27th Mining for meaning hosted by @prochlorothrix, #disalnu and the group for Computational social sciences 

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