Håll dig uppdaterad med de senaste valutakurserna och se hur mycket du får för varje svensk krona i olika utländska valutor
The CNY Central Parity Rate provides real-time Central Parity Rate of CNY, CNY Central Parity Rate Chart, Monthly Average Central Parity Rate, Historical
This Free Currency Exchange Rates Calculator helps you convert Chinese Yuan Renminbi to US Dollar from any amount. 1 SEK = 0.76 RMB is the SEK to RMB conversion rate today on UTC time 06:00 AM Friday, February 05, 2021. The SEK/RMB is weaker today. Swedish Krona has decreased 0.134% percent today against Chinese Yuan Renminbi when compared to yesterday’s rate. Today’s highest rate is 0.7672 RMB and lowest rate is 0.7646 RMB. 2021-03-29 Fyll till exempel i 1000 i fältet för SEK så får du omedelbart se hur mycket det 1000 SEK motsvarar i CNY. Aktuell valutakurs Yuan. Aktuell valutakurs Förändring; 1 CNY kostar 1,3046 SEK-0.0088 kr Real-time SEK/CNY from Banks in China. 100 SEK to CNY(RMB) Bank: Bank Buys Currency From You: Bank Buys Cash From You: Bank Sells Currency To You: Bank Sells Cash To You: Switch to CNY(RMB) to USD - need a .
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This Free Currency Exchange Rates Calculator helps you convert Chinese Yuan Renminbi to Euro from any amount. 2021-04-07 · SEK Swedish Krona Country Sweden Region Europe Sub-Unit 1 Krona = 100 ore Symbol kr. The krona has been the currency of Sweden since 1873. The plural form is kronor and the currency is sometimes informally referred to as the "Swedish crown" in English. The Swedish krona also circulates in Aland alongside the official currency, the Euro. SEK 1 RMB (Chinese Yuan Renminbi - CNY) is approximately equal to 0.158 USD (United States Dollar).
Exchange Rate Chinese Yuan Renminbi to Swedish Krona Converter. 1.00 CNY = 1.303 719 SEK Apr 12, 2021 00:39 UTC. View CNY Rates Table; View SEK Rates Table; View CNY / SEK Graphs
How Kinesiska yuan - aktuell kurs i sek per idag. För att se den historiska prisutvecklingen på valutan välj en önskad tidsperiod i diagrammet. ISO 4217 is a standard published by International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that SEK, 752, 2, Swedish krona/kronor, Sweden.
Convert: ᐈ 249.00 Swedish Krona (SEK) to Chinese Yuan (CNY) - currency converter, course history.
usd United States Dollar, USD/ sek Swedish Krona, SEK/HKD, 0.884500, 0.906500. dkk Danish Krone, DKK/ Source: SWIFT Watch. December 2015. December 2015. December 2017.
CNY/SEK-graf. Kinesisk yuan renminbi till Svensk krona - XE
Kina valuta till sek. Övrigt som är bra att veta — för Kinas valuta Renminbi (RMB) mot US dollar.
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CZK/SEK Spot, 0,39, 0,00 -0,45, 2021-03-30 03:29.
RMB to SEK. 110 RMB to SEK. 120 RMB to SEK. 130 RMB to SEK. 140 RMB to SEK.
The Chinese Yuan is the currency in China (CN, CHN). The Swedish Krona is the currency in Sweden (SE, SWE). The Chinese Yuan is also known as Yuans, RMB, and Renminbi. The Swedish Krona is also known as Kronas.
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1 RMB (Chinese Yuan Renminbi - CNY) is approximately equal to 1.2858 SEK (Swedish Krona). Swedish Krona is the official currency of Sweden since 1873. The ISO code of the currency is SEK and the symbol is kr. In English, it is also sometime referred to as Swedish crown.
Omvandla Skicka Diagram Larm. Belopp. 1,00 kr. Från. SEK – Svensk krona.